Practice Area

Management and Leadership

The Arc and Art of Feedback

  • Traditional Classroom: ½-day
  • Virtual Instructor-led: One 3-hour session or Two 90 minute sessions

Regardless of one’s role in an organization, giving and receiving feedback is a critical part of growth and development. In this session, we will demystify the process of delivering candid, constructive feedback, while activating key insights from brain science to enhance the process. We’ll explore several frameworks for giving and receiving feedback, building your skills through scenario work and role play. We will also examine the importance of asking powerful questions on both sides of the feedback process. In examining the connection between feedback and performance, you’ll improve your ability to give (and receive) feedback that encourages growth and engagement.

Target Audience

This course is designed for new and experienced managers, leaders, team leads, and team members who want to build their confidence and competence in feedback situations.

Learning Objectives

  • Articulate the connection between effective feedback and employee engagement.
  • Describe the components of a high-impact feedback conversation.
  • Distinguish between feedback that motivates versus feedback that shuts someone down, using a mini case study.
  • Practice tactical empathy and active listening techniques.
  • Leverage a proven model to prepare and deliver feedback in a real-life scenario.

Course Outline

Introduction and Objectives
What Feedback Is and Is Not
  • Activity: Challenges Giving and Receiving Feedback
The Connection Between Feedback and Engagement
  • Global Statistics: Employee Engagement Levels
  • What Kind of Feedback Creates Active Disengagement?
  • What High-Impact Conversations Involve
Mini Case Study: Feedback That Motivates
  • Activity: Mini Case Study
  • Activity: Feedback That Motivates
Tactical Empathy and Active Listening Skills
  • Tactical Empathy Skills: Acknowledging and Validating
  • Three Levels of Listening
  • Verbal Active Listening Techniques
  • Activity: Listening Actively
The STAR Model of Feedback
  • Reframe How You Think About Feedback
  • Video: The Secret to Giving Great Feedback
  • The STAR Model of Feedback
  • Productive Versus Unproductive Mindset
Role-Play Demonstration and Scenario Work
  • Individual Activity: Choose a Feedback Scenario
  • Paired Activity: Role-Play Your Feedback Scenario
Summary and Next Steps

MDV2011b Course Code

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