Practice Area

Project Management

Project TLC: Team Building, Leadership, and Communication

  • Traditional Classroom: 1-day
  • Virtual Instructor-led: Two 3-3.5 hour sessions; Three 2-hour sessions

In this workshop you will learn how to implement Project TLC (team building, leadership, and communication) for healthy teams and successful projects. You will master the simple techniques that enhance team behavior and group dynamics and improve team members’ awareness and accountability. You will learn how to LEAD using four simple strategies: Listening, Encouraging, Acting, and Delegating. And you will improve the way you communicate to and among your stakeholders for continued project success.

Target Audience

Individuals who will benefit from this course include anyone who is responsible for leading project or program teams..

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the value of teamwork and its link to business outcomes.
  • Recognize how the “right” set of behaviors can support productive teamwork.
  • Identify cultural attributes in the business environment and recognize how they influence team performance.
  • Diagnose common team problems and introduce easy methods to improve team interaction and reduce conflict.
  • Recognize leadership attributes and how each can be practiced in different situations.
  • Practice different communication methods and describe their effect on different audiences.

Course Outline

  • Overview and Learning Objectives
Find Your Team: Work Groups or Teams?
  • Explore the differences between a team and work group and identify why project teams are important
  • Discuss how project initiation and planning activities support team formation
Cultural Alignment: How Corporate Culture Drives Behavior
  • Identify the cultural attributes associated with difference corporate cultures and appreciate how a diverse team responds to difference environments to produce project results
Launching the Team: How to Get Started
  • Project teams can become more efficient and effective by following four steps upon project assignment
    • Define the team — how to select the “right” team members
    • Clarify team goals — how to establish a team charter
    • Implement supporting behaviors — how to introduce a set of operating norms
    • Establish accountability — how to hold each other accountable
Making the Team Work: How to Stay Successful
  • Keep the team working as a cohesive, productive unit by:
    • Managing team conflict
    • Making effective decisions
    • Actively sharing information
    • Holding productive meetings
  • Leadership — how to LEAD
    • Listen — how to really listen
    • Encourage — how to build rapport
    • Act — your actions speak louder than words
    • Delegate — you can’t do it alone
  • Communications — perception is everything

MDV1592 Course Code

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